Chapter 8 - Facilities and University Services
Previous Publication Date: March 16, 2021
Policy Reviewed Date: February 16, 2022
Publication Date: November 29, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs
8.06 Special Use Facilities
In accordance with Rule 80106 of The University of Texas (UT) System Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents, the President of The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) may designate specific facilities such as special event centers, conference centers, concert halls, theaters, auditoria, or other facilities as "Special Use Facilities" and may designate rules for the use of such Special Use Facilities.
This policy provides for institutional control and oversight of the usage of Special Use Facilities at 世界杯官方app. A dedicated special use policy is required by the UT System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 80106.
This policy governs the usage of 世界杯官方app Special Use Facilities by individuals, groups, associations, or corporations without the necessity of joint sponsorship by the UT System or any of the institutions.
世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations
- UT System Board of Regents' Rule and Regulations Rule 80106, Special Use Facilities
- 世界杯官方app Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) policy 5.07, Use of University Center Facilities
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 8.05, Use of University Facilities by Outside Groups
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 9.36, Tobacco Free and Smoke Free Campus
Texas Education Code, Sec. 51.9315
If you have any questions about HOP policy 8.06, Special Use Facilities, please contact the following office:
The Office of Events, Conferences and Camp Services
Athletic Purposes: "Athletic purposes" refers to utilizing facilities overseen by the Director of Athletics or the Director of Campus Recreation exclusively for sporting activity. It does not include using those facilities as a meeting space or a non-sporting event space.
Conferences/Conventions: Conferences/conventions are events involving only registered members of an external organization as attendees and speakers, presenters or facilitators and occurring no more than annually.
Special Use Facility: Special Use Facilities may be reserved and used by non-university individuals, groups, associations, or corporations without the necessity of joint sponsorship by the UT System or any of the institutions. Currently designated Special Use Facilities at 世界杯官方app include the facilities provided on the University's events website.
- Office of the President
The President designates specific facilities such as special event centers, conference centers, concert halls, theaters, auditoria or other facilities as "Special Use Facilities", including designation of Special Use Facilities on a limited, temporary basis, and may designate rules for the use of such Special Use Facilities. - Facility Responsibilities
The space owner or office responsible for the specific building or facility. - Executive Director of Events, Conferences, and Camps reviews, responds to, and manages all requests and logistics for reservations and use of the corresponding special use facilities, listed at
- Regulations Governing Use of Special Use Facilities
- Designation as a Special Use Facility does not constitute the facility a public facility or forum that is open to use by individuals, groups, associations, or corporations on a first come, first served basis.
- Priority in the reservation and use of Special Use Facilities shall be given to programs and activities of the UT System or 世界杯官方app that are in furtherance of and related to the educational, cultural, recreational, and athletic programs of the institution.
- As a lower priority, the rules and regulations may provide for reservation and use of Special Use Facilities by individuals, groups, associations, or corporations without the necessity of joint sponsorship by 世界杯官方app.
- Campus space is not generally available to be leased or rented for public purposes by those not associated with the University, but as a lower priority to events sponsored by the University and University community, external users may request to use space for athletic events/camps, private social gatherings for invited guests (e.g. weddings, quinceaneras, birthday parties), conferences/symposiums/workshops/retreats/trainings related to the education profession and/or institutional mission, activities (meetings, trainings, hearings) of other governmental entities/agencies performing arts (e.g. concerts, theater productions, art exhibits) and business/industry associations related to the institutional mission. Any external users must abide by all applicable laws and University policies.
- Priority scheduling rules vary for each of 世界杯官方app's Special Use Facilities, but may not be inconsistent with this policy.
- Rates must be charged for the use of the Special Use Facility that, at a minimum, ensure recovery of that part of the operating cost of the facility attributable directly or indirectly to such use and the IRM-allocated cost rate for the strategic investment fund.
- The user will sign a facilities usage agreement that is in accordance with the model contracts developed by the UT System Office of General Counsel.
- Special Use Facilities may provide for the rental of space for display of samples of merchandise in designated areas inside the facility that have been approved by the president of 世界杯官方app or his or her delegate, and for advertising by displays on an electronic scoreboard or message center inside the facility or on the facility's outdoor electronic marquees or message center. Such rules and regulations may further provide for the sale of advertising space on ticket envelopes for events sponsored by the facility and in any publication of the facility distributed in connection with a sponsored event or announcing future sponsored events.
- Those Special Use Facilities designated as such on a limited, temporary basis shall be available and used for such purposes for a total of no more than nine (9) events each calendar year, with each such event no more than two (2) days in duration, and otherwise subject to the terms of this policy.
- Requests to use a Special Use Facility must be submitted through the Events, Conferences, and Camps Services through the appropriate form referenced in this policy.
- During the times that a Special Use Facility is used as such by non-university individuals, groups, associations or corporations, 世界杯官方app shall provide areas on campus for public expressive activities, as contemplated in Texas Education Code, Sec. 51.9315.
- In the event any request for use of a Special Use Facility is deemed at any time by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to or in violation of Texas Education Code, Sec. 51.9315, the same shall be deemed to be null and void and of no effect, without any liability or responsibility for such on 世界杯官方app.
- Special Policies Applicable to Non-University Users
In addition to all general policies, and the specific policies set forth above, the following policies apply specifically to non-University users, including Registered Student Organizations and Registered Faculty and Staff Organizations:- Individual Candidates for Political Office: Individual political candidates and their election organizations are not permitted to reserve Special Use Facilities. Such candidates may be invited by Registered Student Organizations or Registered Faculty and Staff Organizations as guest speakers and may appear in the facility, provided that the organization extending the invitation is responsible for reserving the facility and meeting all costs related to the event.
- Advertising: All news releases, handbills, advertisements, television and radio announcements, or other media utilized to inform the public of a non-University event to be held in a Special Use Facility must carry a disclaimer, approved by the University's Events, Conferences and Camps Services office, to the effect that use of The University of Texas at San Antonio facilities does not imply endorsement of the event or the sponsoring organization by the University.
- Reservations
All groups or individuals requesting use of any 世界杯官方app Special Use Facility may contact the University's Events, Conferences, and Camps Services or utilize the applicable online form included in Section XI. below.
Online form to reserve 世界杯官方app Special Use Facilities:
XIII. Dates Approved/Amended