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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 4 - Personnel - General
Publication Date: May 9, 2016
Policy Reviewed Date: December 22, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs

4.08 Employee Training and Education


It is the policy of The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) to encourage all employees to engage in life-long learning and career development, in keeping with the goals of the University to encourage recruitment and retention.   


This policy provides guidelines for the use of the Employee Education Benefit (EEB), the use of funds for education and training, and the use of an employee’s normal scheduled work hours for the purpose of attending college courses or external training programs for professional development as stated in Texas Government Code Chapter 656.041. 


This policy applies to all staff and faculty at 世界杯官方app. It does not apply to positions that require a student status.



世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations

  1. 世界杯官方app FAQ on Employee Education Benefit Program
  2. 世界杯官方app HOP 2.02, Faculty Appointments and Titles
  3. 世界杯官方app HOP 2.25, Faculty Development Leave Program
  4. UT System Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations Rule 30112

Other Policies & Standards

  1. Texas Government Code Chapter 656.041
  2. Texas Education Code Chapter 54
  3. Internal Revenue Code


If you have any questions about HOP policy 4.08, Employee Training and Education, contact the following offices:

StaffPeople Excellence

FacultyPeople Excellence


Advanced Degree: An Advanced Degree refers to either a Ph.D. or a Master’s Degree.

Faculty: Employees appointed to any rank specified in HOP policy 2.02, Faculty Appointments and Titles.  This definition includes both full-time and part-time.

Benefits-eligible employee: An employee who is eligible to be a member of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), or Optional Retirement Package (ORP); required to work at least 20 hours per week, or appointed to at least 50% of a full time appointment, in a position that is expected to last at least four and one half months.

Fiscal year: A 12-month period over which an organization budgets its spending. 世界杯官方app's fiscal year starts September 1 and runs through August 31st.

Successful Completion Standards: Are as follows:

  1. Classes are completed, meaning they were not dropped or listed as incomplete, and
  2. Employee receives a letter grade of C or above, unless the specific program requires a higher letter grade.
Prospective Job Duties: Duties, or position, that an employee may be reasonably able to attain at a future date. These duties must be in alignment with current department functions.


  1. Employee (Benefits-eligible and Non Benefits-eligible)
    1. Obtains approval of supervisor and appropriate administrator(s) as determined by the department, prior to enrolling in classes and/or training programs.
    2. Meets the requirements specific to the class or training to attend.
  2. Benefits-eligible Employee
    1. Meets eligibility for the EEB (if applicable).
    2. Submits EEB form to Financial Aid Office by census date in which the benefit applies.
  3. Supervisor or Department Administrator(s)
    1. Determines the impact of the employee’s absence during the employee’s normal work hours in relationship to the work area, duties, and responsibilities.
    2. Determines whether the degree program is related to the current or prospective job duties.
    3. Approves or denies the employee’s request to attend the course and/or utilize the EEB.
  4. Financial Aid Office
    1. Reviews and processes the EEB request.
    2. Verifies that the employee has not exceeded the maximum number of credit hours allotted per fiscal year.
    3. Verifies that the employee has met Successful Completion Standards.
    4. Provides the list of employees requesting the EEB to Human Resources for eligibility verification twice each semester.
    5. Retains forms in compliance with records retention schedule.
  5. Human Resources
    1. Verifies employee's eligibility for the EEB at the time of the request, after the census date of each semester, and at the end of the semester.
  6. Payroll Services
    1. Reports benefit applied to classes as taxable income as required.


  1. Benefit-eligible Employees
    1. Benefit-eligible employees may enroll for college level course work during the employee’s normal working hours and may be eligible for up to three (3) hours of work time per week to attend the course, when the following conditions are met:
      1. Prior to enrolling, the employee obtains approval from the employee’s supervisor and appropriate administrator(s) as determined by the department.
      2. The employee must meet the requirements specific to the course to attend.
      3. The course must take place only during the Fall and/or Spring semester and be job-related.
      4. The class or course must be related to the employee’s current or Prospective Job Duties as determined by the supervisor.
    2. In addition to the conditions outlined above, faculty are subject to the following:
      1. Faculty shall obtain written approval from the Department Chair and Dean prior to enrolling in or auditing a class.
      2. Tenured and tenure-track faculty members may not pursue an advanced degree at 世界杯官方app.
      3. Tenured and tenure-track faculty members are required to obtain prior written approval of the Department Chair, Dean, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President prior to enrolling in classes with the intent of obtaining an undergraduate degree.
      4. A non-tenure track faculty member wishing to pursue an Advanced Degree at 世界杯官方app must be recommended by their Department Chair, and the recommendation must be approved in writing by the appropriate Dean.
  2. Employees (Both Benefits-eligible and Non Benefits-eligible)
    1. All other forms of educational training (e.g. continuing education or professional development) may occur during normal working hours when the following conditions are met:
      1. Prior to enrolling, the employee obtains approval from the supervisor and appropriate administrator(s) as determined by the department.
      2. The employee must meet the requirements of the training to attend.
      3. Training may take place anytime during the year.
      4. The educational training must be related to the employee’s current or Prospective Job Duties as determined by the supervisor.
  3. Any time away from work for education or training that is not related to the employee’s current or prospective assignments must be made up or the employee’s available vacation, compensatory time, floating holiday or a flexible work schedule must be used.  Flexible work schedules must be approved in advance by the supervisor.
  4. Employee Education Benefit (EEB)
    1. Employees must meet the following eligibility requirements to apply for this benefit:
      1. Must be a current Benefits-eligible Employee who has been appointed as such for at least six (6) continuous months at 世界杯官方app, as of the first day of the semester in which the employee plans to attend.
      2. Employees must be accepted for admission and be enrolled at 世界杯官方app.
    2. Eligible employees qualify for a maximum of twelve (12) hours per fiscal year.  The EEB has no accrual and cannot be carried over to the next fiscal year.
    3. Eligible employees must submit a completed Employee Educational Benefit Program form to the Financial Aid Office each semester, by the census date in which the benefit will apply.
      1. This form requires a department approval for the degree program.
      2. The degree program (or classes if non-degree) must be related to the current or Prospective Job Duties.
      3. Financial Aid Office will review the EEB form for benefit and credit approval.  A current list of the benefit amount can be found at
    4. The EEB Program is subject to applicable state and federal laws.
    5. For a forms, FAQ's, or process questions please go to




Employee Education Benefit form

